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  	The Value of Talent

The Value Of Talent

by Janice Caplan

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  Description: In today`s business environment, extraordinary rates of change are driving the evolution of talent management from being a strategy that deals with skills shortages to a more comprehensive one that represents a radically different way of managing people and organizations.

In The Value of Talent Janice Caplan proposes a brand new inclusive approach to talent management which recognizes that to survive and prosper in this new world, organizations require strategies that develop strengths, value diversity and encourage creativity across all levels of the organization. By applying the principles set out by the author, organizations will be able to help individuals achieve their aspirations whilst also addressing the gap between what the organization`s capabilities are now and what will be required in the foreseeable future. The author emphasizes the importance of spotting changes on the horizon, formulating appropriate business strategies and identifying the capabilities required to achieve them. She examines methods for developing organizational capabilities, individual development, performance enhancement, leadership development and succession planning. The approach links all parts of the HR agenda, especially recruitment, development, reward and employee engagement ” integrating these with business strategy to create consistency and clarity.

The book offers sound, practical advice and innovative solutions supported by examples and case studies from a broad range of international organizations leading the development of talent, including Standard Chartered, Guardian Media Group, BBC, KPMG and Burson Marsteller.

Contents: This new world: How has talent management evolved? ¢ Why talent management? ¢ What is the business case? ¢ What does success look like? ¢ The new world organization: What is employee engagement? ¢ Why is employee engagement important? ¢ The characteristics of employee engagement ¢ The link between talent management and employee engagement ¢ How do we bring talent policies to life? ¢ Leadership models that enhance employee engagement ¢ What is the most effective way of leading people? ¢ The way we do things around here ¢ Organizational values ¢ Giving values meaning ¢Learning points ¢ Setting the strategic direction: Defining strategy ¢ Why does a strategy matter? ¢ Characteristics of strategy ¢ How do you produce a strategy? ¢ One person`s strategy is another person`s goal ¢ Which comes first ” strategy, objective or vision? ¢ Common problems caused by an uncoordinated approach ¢ Making connections ¢ Learning points ¢ Developing the strategy: Analyzing your business ¢ Step 1: Interrogating employee engagement data ¢ Step 2: Reviewing current practices ¢ Step 3: Analysing business plans ¢ Step 4: Identifying future capabilities ¢ Step 5: Benchmarking with external practices ¢ ABC Engineering case study ¢ Designing your strategy ¢ Measuring success ¢ The purposes of the evaluation and the audience for the results ¢ Learning points ¢ Assessment: Capabilities as the cornerstone of talent management: Selection decisions ¢ Competencies ¢ Classification of competencies ¢ Integrated system of talent management ¢ Taking risk by reducing risk ¢ Make point of entry selection a collaborative endeavour Bekaert case study ¢ Learning points ¢ Assessment: Performance management and reward: Cultural messages ¢ Performance goals ¢ Differentiating performance ¢ Competencies and values ¢ 360-degree or multi-source feedback ¢ Measuring the impact people at the top have on employee engagement ¢ Reward ¢ Performance appraisal conclusions ¢ Learning points ¢ Development: Integrated talent management ¢ Starting your development journey ¢ Online profiling ¢ Development centers ¢ Know your workforce ¢ Development solutions ¢ Learning points ¢ Burson-Marsteller case study ¢ Learning point ¢ BBC case study ¢ Learning point ¢ Deployment: Reasons for developing a succession plan ¢ The purpose and aims of a succession plan ¢ Collect data on roles, capabilities and organizational requirements ¢ Collect data on individuals ¢ Talent pools and classifications; talent review conversations ¢ Nine-box matrix ¢ The role of the board of directors ¢ Analyze the data collected ¢ Review and update the plan regularly ¢ Learning points ¢ Engagement: What are the talent management responsibilities of the people at the top? ¢ Espousing and promoting vision and values ¢ Creating strategy ¢ Implementing the strategy ¢ Managing the team ¢ Overall management of vision, values and strategy ¢ The breakdown of collaboration ¢ Leadership of innovation ¢ Building the leadership pipeline ¢ How can leaders develop the capabilities they require? ¢ Standard Chartered case study ¢ KPMG case study ¢ Learning points The role of HR: Gaining acceptance to talent management: Generate insights ¢ Pull levers ¢ Create a talent mindset ¢ Can HR leapfrog to talent management? ¢ Conva Tec case study ¢ Building bridges across HR ¢ Appendix A: Mind the gap ¢ Appendix B: Talent management flowchart ¢ Appendix C: Planning talent management ¢ Bibliography ¢ Index

About the Author: Janice Caplan is a successful international HR consultant and business manager. Before co-founding The Scala Group she worked in line-management HR roles with companies such as Alitalia, Fiat, International Harvester and Samuel Montagu, and has served as Vice-President, Talent and Development of the UK`s prestigious Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. She is also a sought-after conference speaker and chairman.

Target Audience: HR Professionals.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749459840

Pages : 192
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