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  Dealing with the Employee From Hell

Dealing With The Employee From Hell

by Shaun Belding

  Price : Rs 150.00
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  Difficult employees can make you question why you became a manager in the first place. Unproductive, confrontational, negative or undermining, they can drag everyone else down with them and stop a team achieving its goals.

Dealing with the Employee from Hell provides real-life solutions to challenges facing managers on a daily basis. With examples of the different types of difficult employee, it will help you to identify problem colleagues and how best to deal with them. Find out about:

· what employees want;

· what makes a great boss;

· creating a good environment;

· communicating with employees;

· setting performance standards;

· setting goals;

· observing and assessing performance;

· responding to performance.

Whatever your level of experience Dealing with the Employee from Hell will help you to understand colleagues and set motivating performance standards that guarantee results.

Contents: Introduction: into the depths of hell ¢ What employees want ¢ DARTs ¢ The telescope effect ¢ Setting the stage ¢ Become a better boss ¢ Create an enjoyable environment ¢ Communicate with your employees ¢ Lose the stupid rules ¢ Use the power of pardac ¢ Don`t embarrass your employees ¢ Listen to your employees ¢ Anatomy of a great boss ¢ What leadership is all about ¢ Setting immutable performance standards ¢ The principles of immutable performance standards positive and negative consequences ¢ Performing coaches ¢ Setting goals ¢ Principles of setting performance goals ¢ Observing performance ¢ Rule1: Look for the good first ¢ Rule 2: Be open ¢ Rule 3: Be discreet ¢ The trap: Don`t lose focus on your objectives ¢ Assessing performance ¢ Avoid preconceptions ¢ Responding to performance ¢ The positive response ¢ The constructive response ¢ The corrective response ¢ The fine art of delegating ¢ The delegating process ¢ Carrots and sticks ¢ EM drivers ¢ Setting employees free ¢ Get a second opinion ¢ Cover your bases ¢ Set a decision date ¢ Break the news ¢ Poison in the pool and curious quirks ¢ Poison in the pool ¢ Curious quirks

About the Author: Shaun Belding is the President of Belding Skills Development Corporation, an international training and development consultancy specializing in customer service, teambuilding, management and leadership.

Target audience: The purpose of the book is to provide straightforward, real-life solutions to real -life challenges faced every day by people who manage people. An excellent book for Boardroom personnel, managers, supervisors, coaches, entrepreneurs etc.ISBN 9788175542754

Pages : 160
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