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  Armstrong`s Handbook of Performance Management, 4th edn

Armstrong`S Handbook Of Performance Management, 4Th Edn

by Michael Armstrong

  Price : Rs 395.00
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  Review: "If you come from the school of thought that believes appraisals should be swapped for something a little more holistic then Armstrong will give you much food for thought... There`s enough here to keep the most pernickety HR manager happy."

Management Today

˜The timing of this book is perfect, as the shift from appraisal schemes to performance managing is hitting its stride."

Personnel Today

"It should be required reading for all line managers who propose that performance management is solely the job of the HR department, and for all those HR ˜dinosaurs` who say the same."

Training Journal

Description: Managing staff performance is an effective mechanism for developing both staff and organizational growth. By clarifying an organization`s objectives, translating these into clear individual goals and reviewing these goals regularly, performance management provides a well-structured and effective management tool.

In this radically updated fourth edition, Michael Armstrong considers the latest developments in this area, and how these can be applied to managing staff for increased performance. He provides a detailed analysis of current evidence-based research in this field and considers how this informs the practice of performance management. The book covers the areas key to this function including:

¢ the conceptual framework of performance management;

¢ performance management and the psychological contract;

¢ managing under performance;

¢ goal setting;

¢ feedback;

¢ analysing and assessing performance;

¢ coaching;

¢ managing organizational and team performance;

¢ performance management and learning.

Contents: Introduction ¢ Part I The Background to Performance Management ¢ The Foundations of Performance Management ¢ Performance management defined ¢ A short history of performance management ¢ Merit rating ¢ Management by objectives ¢ Developments in assessment techniques ¢ Performance appraisal (1970s version) ¢ Enter performance management ¢ Why performance management? ¢ Comparison of different approaches ¢ The Conceptual Framework of Performance Management ¢ Underpinning theories ¢ Performance management values ¢ The meaning of performance ¢ Contextual factors ¢ Performance management and motivation ¢ Performance management and the psychological contract ¢ Critiques of Performance Management ¢ The critical arena ¢ Views of commentators ¢ Implications ¢ Part II The Practice of Performance Management ¢ Performance Management Systems ¢ Performance management defined ¢ Performance management as a system ¢ Objectives of performance management ¢ Principles of performance management ¢ Characteristics of performance management ¢ The performance management cycle ¢ Performance and development planning ¢ Performance measures ¢ The performance and development agreement ¢ Managing performance throughout the year ¢ Formal performance reviews ¢ Analysing and assessing performance ¢ The ethical dimension ¢ Issues in performance management ¢ Effective performance management ¢ Managing Performance Management ¢ How should performance management be managed? ¢ What needs to be managed? ¢ The approach to managing performance management ¢ Performance management documentation ¢ Web-enabled performance management ¢ The role of HR ¢ Managing Under-performance ¢ The problem of under-performance ¢ Dealing with under-performers ¢ Part III Performance Management Processes ¢ Goal Setting ¢ Principles of goal setting ¢ Goals and feedback ¢ Types of goals ¢ Smart objectives ¢ Good objectives ¢ Integrating goals ¢ How to set goals ¢ Feedback ¢ Feedback defined ¢ The nature of feedback ¢ Use of feedback ¢ How effective is feedback? ¢ Guidelines on providing feedback ¢ Feedback expert systems ¢ 360-degree Feedback ¢ 360-degree feedback defined ¢ The rationale for 360-degree feedback ¢ Use of 360-degree feedback ¢ 360-degree feedback: methodology ¢ 360-degree feedback and appraisal ¢ Effectiveness of 360-degree feedback ¢ 360-degree feedback: advantages and disadvantages ¢ Introducing 360-degree feedback ¢ Performance Reviews ¢ The process of reviewing performance ¢ The formal performance review meeting ¢ Problems with formal performance reviews ¢ Preparing for formal review meetings ¢ Self-assessment ¢ Conducting a formal performance review meeting ¢ Analysing and Assessing Performance ¢ Evidence-based performance management ¢ Analysing performance ¢ The process of rating ¢ Rating scales ¢ Forced distribution ¢ Behaviourally anchored rating scales ¢ Behavioural observation scales ¢ Arguments for and against rating ¢ Alternatives to rating ¢ Conclusion ¢ Coaching ¢ Coaching defined ¢ The process of coaching ¢ Approach to coaching ¢ Techniques of coaching ¢ Coaching skills ¢ Developing a coaching culture ¢ Part IV Performance Management in Action ¢ Performance Management Surveys ¢ CIPD ¢ E- reward ¢ Houldsworth and Jirasinghe (2006) ¢ Lawler and McDermott ¢ The Institute of Employment Studies ¢ The Work Foundation ¢ Performance Management Models ¢ Astra-Zeneca company ¢ CEMEX ¢ Centrica ¢ DHL ¢ HalifaxBoS ¢ Pfizer Inc ¢ Raytheon ¢ Royal College of Nursing ¢ Standard Chartered Bank ¢ Victoria and Albert Museum ¢ Yorkshire Water ¢ Reactions to Performance Management ¢ The focus groups ¢ Focus groups: organization A (a financial services company) ¢ Focus groups: organization B (a manufacturing company) ¢ Focus groups: organization C (a call centre) ¢ Focus groups: organization D (an oil exploration company) ¢ Focus groups: organization E (a local authority) ¢ Focus groups: organization F (a charity) ¢ Overall comments on the focus group findings ¢ The Impact of Performance Management ¢ How performance management is expected to improve performance ¢ Establishing the impact ¢ Evidence from research ¢ Conclusions ¢ Part V The Application of Performance Management ¢ Managing Organizational Performance ¢ The process of managing organizational performance ¢ The strategic approach to managing organizational performance ¢ Business performance management systems ¢ Organizational capability ¢ Performance management and human capital management ¢ Performance management and talent management ¢ Developing a high-performance culture ¢ Measuring performance ¢ Managing Team Performance ¢ Teams and performance ¢ The performance of individual team members ¢ Team competencies ¢ Definition of a team ¢ Performance measures for teams ¢ Team performance management processes ¢ Performance Management and Learning ¢ Helping people to learn through performance management ¢ Learning opportunities ¢ Personal development planning ¢ Performance Management and Reward ¢ Performance management and non-financial rewards ¢ Performance management and pay ¢ Part VI Developing and Maintaining Performance Management ¢ Developing Performance Management ¢ The development framework ¢ Stages of development ¢ Contextual factors ¢ Approach to development ¢ Performance management development programme ¢ The Performance Management Role of Line Managers ¢ The performance management role of line managers ¢ Issues with the performance management role of line managers ¢ Addressing the issues ¢ Gaining the commitment of line managers ¢ Developing skills ¢ Learning About Performance Management ¢ The rationale for performance management ¢ Contribution ¢ Skills ¢ Formal learning ¢ Less formal learning ¢ Evaluating Performance Management ¢ Criteria ¢ Method ¢ A typical approach ¢ Appendix A Performance Management Toolkit ¢ Appendix B Performance Management Case Studies ¢ References ¢ Subject Index ¢ Author Index

About the Authors: Michael Armstrong is a Companion and former Chief Examiner of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, joint managing partner of e-reward and an independent management consultant. He has sold over 500,000 books on the subject of HRM (published with Kogan Page).

Target Audience: HR professionls, students and academics of management.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9788175545380

Pages : 400
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