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  Strictly English: The correct way to write ... and why it matters (Paperback)

Strictly English: The Correct Way To Write ... And Why It Matters (Paperback)

by Simon Heffer

  Price : Rs 499.00
  Your Price : Rs 399.20
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  The Telegraph`s master English stylist shows how it`s done"Be in no doubt: the beer was drunk but the man drank the beer." "We must avoid vulgarities like `front up`. If someone is `fronting up` a television show, then he is presenting it." Simon Heffer`s incisive and amusingly despairing emails to colleagues at the The Daily Telegraph about grammatical mistakes and stylistic slips have attracted a growing band of ardent fans over recent years. Now, in his new book Strictly English, he makes an impassioned case for an end to the sloppiness that has become such a hallmark of everyday speech and writing, and shows how accuracy and clarity are within the grasp of anyone who is prepared to take the time to master a few simple rules. If you wince when you see "different than" in print, or are offended by people who think that "infer" and "imply" mean the same thing, then this book will provide reassurance that you are not alone. And if you believe that precise and elegant English really does matter, then it will prove required reading.

ISBN : 9780099537939

Pages : 352
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