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  The Undivided Universe: An Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory

The Undivided Universe: An Ontological Interpretation Of Quantum Theory

by David Bohm , Basil J. Hiley

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 335.75
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  Book Summary of The Undivided Universe: An Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory
`In The Undivided Universe, ` Professor David Bohm, one of the foremost scientific thinkers and one of the most distinguished physicists of his generation, presents a radically different approach to quantum theory.

In the The Undivided Universe, David Bohn and Basil Hiley present a radically different approach to quantum theory. They develop an interpretation of quantum mechanics which gives a clear, intuitive understanding of its meaning and in which there is a coherent notion of the reality of the universe without assuming a fundamental role for the human observer.
With the aid of new concepts such as active information together with non-locality, they provide a comprehensive account of all the basic features of quantum mechanics, including the relativistic domain and quantum field theory.
It is shown that, with the new approach, paradoxical or unsatisfactory features associated with the standard approaches, such as the wave-particle duality and the collapse of the wave function, do not arise. Finally, the authors make new suggestions and indicate some areas in which one may expect quantum theory to break down in a way that will allow for a test.
The Undivided Universe is an important book especially because it provides a different overall world view which is neither mechanistic nor reductionist. This view will ultimately have radical implications not only in physics but also in our general approach to all areas of life. isbn

Pages : 416
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