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  The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First

The Human Equation: Building Profits By Putting People First

by Jeffrey Pfeffer

  Price : Rs 2000.00
  Your Price : Rs 1800.00
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  Book Summary of The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting People First
How is it that so many seemingly intelligent organizations implement harmful management practices and ideas? In his provocative new book, bestselling author Jeffrey Pfeffer masterfully builds a business case for managing people more effectively--not just because it makes for good corporate policy, but because it results in outstanding performance and profits.

Why is Common Sense so Uncommon when it comes to managing people? How is it that so many seemingly intelligent organizations implement harmful management practices and ideas? In his provocative new book, The Human Equation, bestselling author Jeffrey Pfeffer examines why much of the conventional wisdom is wrong and asks us to rethink the way managers link people with organizational performance.

Pfeffer masterfully builds a powerful business case for managing people effectively -- not just because it makes for good corporate policy, but because it results in outstanding performance and profits. Challenging current thinking and practice, Pfeffer
-- Reveals the costs of downsizing -- and provides alternatives.
-- Identifies troubling trends in compensation and suggests better practices.
-- Explains why even the smartest managers sometimes manage people unwisely.
-- Demonstrates how market-based forces can fail to foster good people management practices, creating a need for positive public policy.
-- Provides practical guidelines for implementing high-performance management practices.

Filled with information and ideas, The Human Equation provides much-needed guidance for managing people more wisely -- and more profitably.ISBN

Pages : 315
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