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by Lars Thomassen, Keith Lincoln & Anthony Aconis

  Price : Rs 395.00
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  Description: In this authoritative and comprehensive book on retail branding, international business experts Lars Thomassen, Keith Lincoln and Anthony Aconis reveal how the most successful brands survive in a world of increasingly powerful retailers and ever more knowledgeable shoppers.

Based on arguably the most extensive global analysis of the world of retail ever undertaken, and including a groundbreaking survey by ACNielsen, Retailization presents an innovative and pragmatic seven-step programme to guarantee your survival by realizing the full retail potential of your brand

Contents: The rise of the retailer : the first squeeze is only going to get bigger and bigger ¢ The age of the shopper ; the second squeeze takes its throne ¢ The private dilemma: the third squeeze shows its strength ¢ The new Communication world : the fourth squeeze rethinks its role ¢ Retailization unsqueezing the squeeze ¢ The blood pack : introducing the retailization process ¢ Step 1 : the arena dealing with where we create our sale ¢ Step 2 : Competitive context who are we stealing sales from ¢ Step 3 : The shopper- who is driving our sale ¢ Step 4 : Product concepting - what is creating our sale ¢ Step 5 : Retail Impacting : dealing with how we creqate our sale ¢ Step 6 Creating communication- how do we make communication work for our sale ¢ Step 7 : Organisation enhancement empowering your organization to think sales ¢ Let`s retailers recharging and regaining brand power

About the Authors: Lars Thomassen started his career in advertising 30 years ago and he has been involved in communications ever since. In 1979 he co-founded Henriksen & Sieling (later BBDO Denmark). In 1998 Lars was appointed as the Vice President BBDO Europe and he became the Director of the Nordic, Central and Eastern regions of BBDO

Keith Lincoln has been working in communications for nearly 30 years. He is well known as the author of numerous ground breaking global trend studies. Keith is a former strategy manager for General Foods Europe, board director of WCRS advertising in the United Kingdom, Senior Vice President of BBDO New York, and Executive Vice President of Young and Rubicam Europe

Target Audience : Marketing and Sales people, Corporate houses, brand managers, business managers
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749449032

Pages : 239
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