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  Profit Brand

Profit Brand

by Nick Wreden

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  Description: Finally, a strategic view of brands and branding. Explains and illustrates at a managerial level the why, how and with what value brands can build shareholder value." Donald E. Schultz, Professor of Integrated Marketing Communications, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, USA. Nick Wreden passionately believes that it is time for brand managers, CEOs and CFOs to speak the same language. Brand managers need to lift their heads above the buzz of marketing and advertising jargon and understand the strategic imperatives of business: profitability, accountability and sutainability. As a result of the increasing ineffectiveness of mass-media marketing, CEOs and CFOs are demanding greater accountability and more sustainable results for their marketing investments. ProfitBrand offers a comprehensive metrics-based approach to branding that allows companies to directly link branding activities with bottom-line results, align the organization - including marketing - with common benchmarks and ensure that customers buy not once, but again and again and again. ProfitBrand also illustrates how to do business on customer terms - the one competitive differentiator that cannot be duplicated in today`s customer economy.

Contents : Introduction ¢ Branding: yesterday, today and tomorrow ¢ Forging a ProfitBrand in the customer Economy ¢ Customer equity: the key to accountability ¢ How to calculate customer equity ¢ Divide and conquer: taker care of customers worth taking care of ¢ Winning strategies to increase customer profitability ¢ Increasing customer profitability through pricing ¢ Profit Brand principles for brand communications ¢ Establishing accountability through branding systems ¢ Establishing accountability through effective metrics ¢ Profitbrand service: Owning the customer experience ¢ Loyalty: the tie that binds ¢ Orchestrating allies: no brand is an island ¢ Conclusion

About the Author : Nick Wreden is a recognized brand futurist and Managing Director of FusionBrand, a consultancy that specializes in customer loyalty and metrics-based branding. He has over 20 years` experience of branding products for Fortune 500 and many other companies, including IBM, Cisco, BellSouth and Hitachi. He also founded one of the United State`s first technology marketing firms

Target Audience : This book is essential reading for anyone involved not just in marketing but inbusiness as well./ All corporate houses, Business and Management People
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749450946

Pages : 210
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