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  About Face

About Face

by Dan Hill

  Price : Rs 695.00
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  Reviews: "An exceptionally strong case for the use of emotion in advertising. Well-written and well-documented."

- Al Ries, author, War in the Boardroom

"Whether you are trying to influence others, or trying to figure out how others are trying to influence you, About Face is a useful guide to the way advertising really works."

Dan Ariely, author Predictably Irrational and Senior Fellow, The Kenan Institute for Ethics, Duke University

"There`s a preparedness to embrace neuroscience and behavioural economics, and thus Dan Hill`s latest work is timely. Let`s hope the new generation of creative people will take advantage of his many insights and practical recommendations."

Hamish Pringle, Director General, Institute of Practitioners in Advertising and co-author of Brand Immortality

"Dan Hill hits a bull`s-eye with About Face. It provides the foundation for how to engage audiences in the era of social marketing. I love this book."

Denise Shiffman, author of The Age of Engage: Reinventing Marketing for Today`s Connected, Collaborative, and Hyperinteractive Culture

"At last, a research maven whose right brain is as advanced as his left. Good stuff here for creating and defending creative work."

Luke Sullivan, author of Hey Whipple, Squeeze This: A Guide to Creating Ads

"This lively book should be required reading not just for creatives young and old but anyone who sees the industry as a window into our societies and ourselves."

Professor Dr David Slocum, Faculty Director of EMBA Program, Berlin School of Creative Leadership, Berlin, Germany

"This book is full of insights and actionable content that you can literally take ˜at face value`. Read it and smile."

Jonathan Salem Baskin, global brand strategist, speaker, and author of Branding only Works in Cattle

"Every brand and marketing manager who wants to know how to build a strong brand should read this book."

Dr Paul Temporal, Group Managing Director, Temporal Brand Consulting; author of Branding in Asia: The Creation, Development and Management of Asian Brands for the Global Market

"Dan Hill shows how to inject the virtue of emotion back into business."

Charlene Li, author of Open Leadership, co-author of Groundswell

Description: Once advertising was all about being "on-message" and getting talking points right. But breakthroughs in brain science have confirmed what we all know but don`t often admit to in business: people are primarily emotional decision makers. From podcasting, blogs and forums to interactive ads in stations, the heart of the matter is now the consumer`s experience, not the company`s marketing message.

About Face shows how 21st-century advertising can realize success by being "on-emotion". Using data from eyetracking and facial coding to analyse consumer responses, it demonstrates exactly which advertising strategies are successful and why.

Moving beyond the old ˜Ps` of product, place and promotion, Dan Hill outlines the ten rules for emotionally effective advertising, including:

¢ keep it simple

¢ make it relevant

¢ be memorable

¢ focus on faces

¢ always sell hope

¢ don`t lead with price

Emotions rule decision making. About Face shows you that by focusing on the three new ˜Ps` of passion, purpose and personality, your campaigns can become more effective and emotionally engaging, taking you closer to the customer.

Contents : Introduction ¢ Get physical ¢ Keep it simple ¢ Keep it close to home ¢ Focus on faces ¢ Make it memorable ¢ Relevancy drives connection ¢ Always sell hope ¢ Don`t lead with price ¢ Mirror the target market`s values ¢ Always sell hope ¢ Don`t lead with price ¢ Mirror the target market`s values ¢ Believability sticks ¢ Summary ¢ Alter word ¢ Notes ¢ Picture credits ¢ Index

About the Author : Dan Hill is a recognized authority on the role of emotions in consumer and employee behaviour, and an expert in facial coding. He is the founder and president of Sensory Logic - a scientific, research-based consultancy that specializes in gauging and helping to enhance companies` sensory-emotional connection with consumers. Dan is a frequent speaker at business conventions acrocc the globe and the author of the best-selling Emotionomics, also published by Kogan Page.

Target Audience: Advertising professionals, brand & marketing professionals.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749457570

Pages : 208
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