This journey of the author through the corridors of law courts encompasses two ages. Ones was the age of British Rule, the freedom struggle, the birth pangs of freedom, the tragedy of partition and the coming into force of the Constitution. The other age ushererd by the Constitution. It was however marred by the interlude of so-called internal emergency and eclipse of fundamental rights. The journey then encountered the rise of fissiparous tendencis, the gradual criminalization of politics and corruption in life and consequently in the judiciary (the lawyers and judges alike). it also illuminates the march of law to deal with national problems, itsA‚ achievementsA‚ and failures, Incidently the book also refers to some national problems and some-times suggests a solution through the law. It also gives an inkling into the march of national aspirations into dissipation.
The book is interesting reading not only for lawyers, judges and persons concerned with law, but for the general public for some thought currents of the epoch-making age.
ISBN : 9788175349520
Pages : 383