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  E-mailing (with audio CD)

E-Mailing (With Audio Cd)

by Louise Pile

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 265.50
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  Effective communication in Business English

VIVA Business Communication Skills provides students with the skills they need to communicate effectively and confidently in English, in a variety of business contexts. The series adopts a learner-centered and highly practical approach, helping students to develop the key communication and language skills essential for today`s international business environment. Each title in the series consists of a book and audio CD, designed for students with a pre-intermediate or intermediate level of English The content and examples are up-to-date and very relevant to anyone working ” or planning to work ” internationally. The series can be used either in class or for self-study

Features of the series include

¢ Individual needs analysis and learning journal

¢ Awareness-raising activities

¢ Extensive personalised exercises

¢ Tips for effective performance in business

¢ Helpful suggestions for language study

¢ Regular language reference and review sections

¢ Photocopiable resources for further practice

¢ An integrated audio CD

¢ Full audio script and answer key

E-mailing aims to help you to develop the skills and the language you need to write effective business e-mails. E-mailing consists of six core units, each containing:

¢ Context-to raise awareness of the skills and issues involved in each stage of the e-mail writing process, and to introduce different strategies for developing these skills

¢ Presentation and Practice-of core language (vocabulary, grammer and phrases) linked to these skills

¢ Tips (cultural or language related) - for e-mailing effectively

¢ Consolidation-to allow you to apply what you have learned to your own work situation

¢ Reference-useful phrases and vocabulary related to each unit.

¢ Review - study suggestions and further practice (ideal for homework/self-study)

The book also contains:

¢ Needs analysis. This encourages you to consider what you need to focus on in order to get the most out of the book and your learning.

¢ Learning journal. This provides the opportunity to reflect and personalize what you have studied in the book.

¢ Resources section. This provides additional material such as checklists, photocopiable frameworks and additional activities.

¢ Answer key. This includes suggested answers and is designed to enable you to work either alone or with a teacher.

¢ Transcripts: These detail the content of the accompanying CDISBN 9788130902845

Pages : 64
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