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  Rural Marketing, 2/e

Rural Marketing, 2/E

by Pradeep Kashyap

  Price : Rs 540.00
  Your Price : Rs 442.80
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  Rural markets, for most organizations, both in the public and the private sectors, represented a black box due to the existing knowledge gap in the past. That is not the case any more. Traditionally an agrarian economy, rural India has undergone significant development in the last three or four decades, making it a very attractive option for businesses. Companies no longer shy away from going that extra mile to woo rural consumers. As more and more companies look to rural markets for growth and revenues, present-day marketers and managers need to understand the rural set-up and the fundamentals of rural marketing.

Published in 2005, the first edition of the book, covering the fundamental aspects of marketing applicable to rural markets, established itself as a course-defining textbook. The syllabus of the paper on rural marketing in most B-schools has been designed as per the contents of the book. The first edition of the book emerged as the leading text and reference book for students and practitioners alike in India and Bangladesh.

The second edition, while retaining the distinguishing features of the first edition, has been expanded to reflect the changes in rural markets, and showcase successful rural initiatives and rural marketing strategies. This book has been produced in four-colour to faithfully represent real-life snapshots and vignettes from rural markets, highlighting the transition that they are undergoing. Examples from real-world organizations, the author`s own observations, cases and other pedagogical tools make this book the perfect resource for students and managers alike.

Pages : 328
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