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  Law Relating to Departmental Enquiries for Government Servants, 3rd Edn.

Law Relating To Departmental Enquiries For Government Servants, 3Rd Edn.

by Ramachandra Rao A.S.

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 865.65
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  The book unfolds all the aspects of Departmental Enquiries in respect of disciplinary proceedings as contained in Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965A‚ which are applicable to every governmentA‚ servent including every civilian government servant in the Defence Services. All the aspects have been explained in a very simple but critical language. It is not a critique but a functionally oriented commentary on the Inquiry System. A very large number of cases having bearing on the myraid aspects of disciplinary proceedings as decided by the Supreme Court, the High Courts and the Administrative Tribunals have been given in detail. Crucial problems which reflect a high degree of creativity and sensitive understanding of the Administration and the Civil and Public Servants have been dealt with deft. Though the book is not written with the intention of making it a text book for Departmental Enquiries yet it may prove to be a course book on the subject. To enhance theA‚ usefulness of this book various Rules in respect of service matters have been given in the Appendices.A‚

ISBN : 9789350350904

Pages : 779
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