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  Evolutionary Bioinformatics

Evolutionary Bioinformatics

by Donald R. Forsdyke

  Price : Rs 699.00
  Your Price : Rs 629.10
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  Evolutionary Bioinformatics aims to make the ``new`` information based (rather than gene-based) bioinformatics intelligible both to the ``bio`` people and the ``info`` people. Books on bioinformatics have traditionally served gene-hunters and biologists who wish to construct family trees showing tidy lines of descent. While dealing extensively with the exciting topics of gene discovery and database-searching, such books have hardly considered genomes as information channels through which multiple forms and levels of information have passed through the generations. This ``new bioinformatics`` contrasts with the ``old`` genebased bioinformatics that preoccupies previous texts.

Evolutionary Bioinformatics extends a line of evolutionary thought that leads from the nineteenth century (Darwin, Butler, Romanes, Bateson), through the twentieth (Goldschmidt, White), and into the twenty-first (the final works of the late Stephen Jay Gould). Long an area of controversy, diverging views may now be reconciled. The book is unique in emphasising non-genic aspects of bioinformatics, and linking modern evolutionary biology to a history that extends back to the nineteenth century. Forms of information that we are familiar with (mental, textual) are related to forms we are less familiar with (hereditary). ISBN: 9788184892338

Pages : 444
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