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  Business to Business Market Research

Business To Business Market Research

by Ruth Mcneil

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 315.00
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  Practical and authoritative, this book is the definitive guide to B2B market research. Taking a clear, step-by-step approach, it describes and explains the various tools, techniques and processes of research that are undertaken entirely within the business sphere.

Topical and up-to-date, Business to Business Market Research contains the very latest thinking on research techniques, the use of market research and global activity. Ruth McNeil encourages readers to learn from the experience of others, develop core skills and apply market research effectively.

Part of the Market Research in Practice series and published in association with the Market Research Society Business to Business Market Research is an invaluable guide for students, market researchers and research users alike. Fully international in scope, it contains a large number of real-life case studies - demonstrating examples of B2B research in practice, its applications and its uses.

Contents: Introduction ¢ The business to business market research industry ¢ Sampling for B2B research ¢ Trends in B2B research ¢ What works and does not work in B2B research ¢ The B2B research process: I Desk research ¢ The B2B research process: II Qualitative research ¢ The B2B research process: III Quantitative research ¢ Costing: guidelines on the cost of projects ¢ Overviews of the business respondent, sectors and research application ¢ Regional differences and comparisions in B2B research ¢ What it is like being a B2B researcher ¢ Training, organizations and ethics in B2B research.

About the Authors: Ruth McNeil runs her own market research consultancy, Response Consulting Ltd, and has a wide variety of clients from both the private and public sectors. These include organizations in the telecommunications, financial, pharmaceutical, industrial and energy sectors. International B2B experience at Research International followed her earlier career in consumer marketing at Unilever. Ruth has extensive experience of business to business, and business to consumer research, as well as a background in all types of research from creative thinking and brainstorming to quantitative approaches. She runs courses for the Market Research Society and other organizations, and is a regular speaker and industry commentator.

Target Audience: Students and academicians of management, market researchers, research users etc.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749447700

Pages : 310
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