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  Working with the Enemy

Working With The Enemy

by Mike Leibling

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  Description: Working with the Enemy shows us how to survive and thrive in really difficult situations, and enables us to deal with them and to nip future instances in the bud long before they become "situations".

Mike Leibling describes scenarios that may feel very dark ” and not only shows the light at the end of the tunnel but also, practically, how to get there.

He treats difficult situations in a matter-of-fact way, and the many case studies, tips, techniques and strategies will help you to "unstick" yourself when you`ve been feeling very stuck. He reveals how to:

¢ rise above "enemy" situations with 10 Essential Survival Strategies;

¢ identify and handle 15 Toughest Types of "enemy";

¢ manage "enemies" by choosing from over 100 Action Tips.

Contents: Introduction ¢ PART 1: First things first: The Ten Essential Survival Strategies for Keeping Cool in the Heat of Battle ¢ Twenty Questions ¢ Essential Survival Strategy 1: Communicate Extra Calmly and Clearly ¢ A Great Fact is ˜I Don`t Know` ¢ Ask How, Not Why ¢ Be Open and Honest ¢ Be Specific, Don`t Generalize ¢ Don`t be Negative ¢ Don`t Say ˜Don`t` and Stop Saying ˜Stop` ¢ Have your Say Calmly and Effectively ¢ Make it Clear Who and What you are Trying to Benefit ¢ Only Challenge Gently ¢ Put Everything in Writing ¢ Say What you Have to Say, and No More ¢ So you Think that Nothing will Help? ¢ Speak Their Language ¢ Take Yourself Seriously ¢ Essential Survival Strategy 2: Keep Things Real and in Perspective ¢ Congratulate yourself that you`ve Put Up with it Until Now ¢ Don`t Assume that Everyone should Get on Well Together ¢ It May Not be your Fault ¢ It`s Good to Feel Bad, in a Controlled Way ¢ It`s Natural to Feel Scared ¢ Essential Survival Strategy 3: Don`t Feel Pressured into Acting too Soon ¢ Go for a Gap ¢ Pause. Take Time ¢ Prepare for Tomorrow and Next Week ¢ Essential Survival Strategy 4: Stop Feeling there are No Choices ¢ How to Say No` Nicely ¢ Make Sure there are at Least Three Options ¢ No-one has to Look Like a Loser ¢ The Power of Stating the Obvious ¢ Essential Survival Strategy 5: Don`t Let the ˜Enemy` Dwell on your Mind ¢ Avoid Uncomfortable Language ¢ Brush them Aside, Put them Behind you ¢ Stop Imagining the Worst, by Generating Choices ¢ Stop Thinking of Them as an ˜Enemy` and They`ll Stop Feeling Like One ¢ Essential Survival Strategy 6: Don`t Let the ˜Enemy` Pull your Strings ¢ Bullying ¢ Are they Getting at you Intentionally? ¢ Check if Others are being Affected ¢ Get the Organization to Sort out its own Problems ¢ Systematic Bullying ¢ Find out your Organization`s Policy ¢ Stop Feeling Dumped on in the Name of ˜Delegation` ¢ Get them to Delegate, Not Dump ¢ Essential Survival Strategy 7: Don`t Automatically Believe Other People ¢ Beware Good Advice ¢ Getting and Using Advice ¢ Question Everything ¢ Beware Little Red Riding Hood (ie Beware ˜Good Advice` Masquerading as ˜Truth`) ¢ Beware So-Called Wisdom ¢ Essential Survival Strategy 8: Don`t Let the Past Block your Future ¢ Address Issues Before they Grow Big and Scary ¢ It`ll be All Right ¢ Keep Past Events in the Past ¢ Essential Survival Strategy 9: Don`t Take it Personally ” Take it ˜Behaviourally` Instead ¢ Keep Focused on the Task Professionally Not Emotionally ¢ Take Things Behaviourally Instead of Personally: The Neurological Levels ¢ Essential Survival Strategies for each Neurological Level ¢ Essential Survival Strategy 10: Look After Yourself ¢ Avoid ˜To Do` Lists ¢ Call Them Whatever Feels Better to You (Inside) ¢ Change your Posture to Change how you Feel ¢ Don`t Blame Yourself ¢ Don`t Let Them Get to You ¢ Find a Way to Live with it ¢ Focus on Just Doing a Good Job ¢ Forget about How, for Now ¢ Get Lots of Support and Supporters ¢ Get a Coach and/or Mentor ¢ Have a Deadline ¢ If it`s Not Working, Try Something Different ¢ It`s Only Human to be Human ¢ Play for Time, Play the Game ¢ Stay Open-Minded ¢ Stop Taking yourself Literally ¢ Take Responsibility vs Blaming Others ¢ Take the Controls Instead of Looking like a Victim ¢ Thoughts vs Feelings ” the Great Self-Destructive Battleground ¢ Treat Yourself ¢ Trust Your Instincts ¢ Turn Goliath into David ¢ PART 2: The Fifteen Toughest Types of ˜Enemy` with Survive and Thrive Strategies ¢ Type 1: People Who Bully ¢ Type 2: People Who Put their own Needs First ¢ Type 3: People Who are Hard to Connect With ¢ Type 4: People Who are Out of their Depth ¢ Type 5: People Who Meddle ¢ Type 6: People Who are Fickle ¢ Type 7: People Who are Unlike Me ¢ Type 8: People Who are Like Me ¢ Type 9: People Who are Close to Me ¢ Type 10: Me Myself ¢ Type 11: Everybody Else ¢ Type 12: People Who Regard Me as a Type, Not a Person ¢ Type 13: People Who ˜Change` Me ¢ Type 14: People Who Bring out the Rescuer in Me ¢ Type 15: People Who Bring out the Rebel in Me, the Worst in Me ¢ PART 3: Getting New Information for New Ways of Moving Forward ¢ Introduction ¢ Top Tips For Information Gathering ¢ Information Questionnaire ¢ The Situation ¢ The Enemy ¢ Know your Enemy ¢ Whose ˜Enemy` is it Anyhow? ¢ Who is this ˜Enemy` Similar to? ¢ And Where are you Coming From? ¢ Getting New Perspectives by Being in other People`s Shoes ¢ Knowing the Current Climate We`re all Working in ¢ What are my Hidden Beliefs that are Holding Me Back? ¢ It`s Fine to be Stupid ¢ My Best Beliefs Are... ¢ Roles ¢ And Finally ¢ PART 4: Get Planning to Transform your ˜Enemy` Situation Calmly ¢ Introduction ¢ Getting your Goal Plan Ready ¢ Daydream Out to your Right ¢ Your Goal Plan ¢ Getting Familiar with the Outcome from your Goal Plan ¢ Be Aware of Others` Outcomes too ¢ Invite Other People`s Ideas ¢ Get a Supporter or Two ¢ Make Sure you`re Getting What you Want ¢ Making your Goal Plan Happen and Getting What you Want ¢ Keep Playing with your Goal ¢ Sleep on ¢ Take a bit More Time to Think, for a Change ¢ Consider Something Different this Time ¢ Ask the Opposite ¢ If in Doubt, Say or Do Nothing ¢ If the Situation was Oral, Put It in Writing ¢ If the Situation was Public, Do It in Private ¢ If the Situation was Private, Do It in Public ¢ If the Situation is very Emotional, ˜Go Formal` ¢ The Politics of Envy ” Make them Jealous ¢ Give them the Benefit of the Doubt ¢ Getting your Actions in Order ¢ Thinking the Unthinkable ¢ We Don`t Need to be Perfect ¢ Whistleblowing ¢ Think Carefully about Involving HR ¢ Getting out may Truly be your Best Option ¢ And Now Review Again the Part 1 and Part 2 Strategies and Tips... ¢ Index

About the Author: Mike Leibling is a strategist who coaches, mentors and writes. In 1995 he founded Strategy Strategy and aims to help people and organizations to move on in difficult situations (or preferably to avoid them in the first place). Prior to this he was at Saatchi & Saatchi, ultimately as International Strategic Planning Director. www.StrategyStrategy.com

Target Audience: General public
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9788175545144

Pages : 192
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