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  Shia Women: Muslim Faith and Practice

Shia Women: Muslim Faith And Practice

by Diane D`Souza

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 695.00
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  This book sets out to examine the gendered expressions of Shia Muslim faith. How do contemporary women construct and experience their religious lives? How does gender impact Shia piety? In this intriguing study, the author critically analyses the world of women’s religious expression, helping us to better understand not only the ritual lives of Shia women, but Muslim faith and practice in general.

The author argues that most research and writing on Shia Islam reflects male expressions and beliefs. Men have dominated the formation of knowledge within the Shia religious hierarchy, as well as the study of Shia Islam within the fields of Religious Studies and Islamic Studies. In contrast, the author takes women’s lives and beliefs as her starting point, and uncovers powerful female expressions which dynamically shape Shia Muslim religious life.

Diane D’Souza helps us discover a vibrant women-centred narrative underpinning Shia faith. Whether by bringing to life female personalities which profoundly shaped religious history, illuminating the dynamic female leadership within today’s religious rituals, or uncovering the fascinating development of a women-only shrine, this book provides a richer, more complete understanding of Shia Islam.

ISBN - 9788189884741

Pages : 445
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