South Asia is among the fastest growing regions in the world, but it is also home to the largest concentration of people living in conditions of debilitating poverty, human misery, gender disparities, and conflict. The optimistic outlook is that India is headed towards double-digit growth rates and that South Asia too will grow rapidly, primarily due to India. The pessimistic view is that growth should not be taken for granted, given the huge transformational challenges facing the region—poor infrastructure, lopsided urbanization, high levels of violence, and governance failures.
Analysing the role of demographics, globalization, human mobility, and the rise of the middle class in accelerating growth in South Asia, this volume focuses on the smart choices we can make to meet future challenges. It addresses two key questions: What will South Asia look like in 2025? What can be done today to reshape tomorrow?
The volume underlines that pluralism in development approaches will help achieve rapid, inclusive, and stable growth.
ISBN - 9780198075028