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  Battles that Changed History: An Encyclopedia of World Conflict

Battles That Changed History: An Encyclopedia Of World Conflict

by Spencer C. Tucker, Phd.

  Price : Rs 1900.00
  Your Price : Rs 1558.00
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  This encyclopedic collection of more than 200 of the most decisive and important battles throughout world history gets a fresh interpretation by a noted military historian. While some may feel that ¡§war is not the answer,¡¨ conflicts of epic proportions do shape world history and influence much wider events. Indeed, these critical events of the past offer valuable lessons for our present and future. The mythic and doomed stand of the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae; the siege of Carthage in 149-146 BCE, which ended with Rome destroying the city and enslaving the entire remaining Carthaginian population; the Battle of Hastings in 1066, arguably the most important battle ever on English soil, the Battle of Trenton that saved the American Revolutionary cause and established the military reputation of General Washington; the firebombing of Tokyo on the night of March 9-10, 1945, the destroyed one quarter of the city. All of these conflicts-and hundreds more-played a crucial role in defining the direction of history and the evolution of human society. This text provides theaders with detailed descriptions of the battlefield actions that have played the greatest parts in shaping military history and human existence. Special attention is paid to the greater historical context and significance of each battle, especially in relation to other events. Features ?« Chronological organization of topics allows readers to quickly locate individual battles and place them within the larger continuum of history. ?« Numerous illustrations, drawings, maps, and photographs depict pivotal battles and make the book visually appealing. ?« Every essay dedicated to a specific battle has a bibliography of references for further reading. ?« A fact box at the top of each entry provides essential information and statistics in one easy-to-access location The encyclopedia provides excellent analysis of factors that contributed to victory, including leadership, weapons, tactics, and terrain with references for further reading. Must read for everyone.

ISBN - 9788182745506

Pages : 656
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