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  Together They Fought : Gandhi-Nehru Correspondence 1921-1948

Together They Fought : Gandhi-Nehru Correspondence 1921-1948

by Uma Iyengar, Lalitha Zackariah (Ed.)

  Price : Rs 1595.00
  Your Price : Rs 1435.50
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  Separated by age, custom, tradition, faith and beliefs, India’s ‘father of the nation’ and first prime minister shared arguably the most important political partnership that modern India has or perhaps will ever witness.

Together They Fought presents about 500 letters, telegrams, messages and notes exchanged between Gandhi and Nehru in the nearly three decades from 1921 to 1948. In these, they share views on a wide range of events, people and issues: from the Jallianwala Bagh massacre and Salt Satyagraha, to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Subhas Chandra Bose, to the social empowerment of ‘untouchables’ and the inclusion of women in the Congress Working Committee. Accompanied by visuals that capture the depth, richness and vibrancy of the unique bond shared by Gandhi and Nehru, This carefully selected, judiciously annotated and chronologically arranged volume takes readers on a journey through the political arena of a nation in the pangs of birth and into the inner workings of two brilliant minds of the twentieth century.

ISBN - 9780198070580

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