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  Crisisi of Governance ;The Case of Bihar

Crisisi Of Governance ;The Case Of Bihar

by Sachchindanaada , B.B. Mandal

  Price : Rs 550.00
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  Good governance has recently escalated in the developing countries. In fact there is a close relationship between governance and development. Governance is more difficult under conditions of low development. It comprises of mechanism, processes and institutions through which citizen and groups their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their legal obligation and their differences. It is epitomized by predication, open and enlightened polices, bureaucracy imbued with a professional ethos, an executive norm of government accountable for its actions and a strong civil society participating affairs and all working under the rule of law. Prominent features of good governance have been identified as being participatory in consensual in orientation, accountable, transparent and responsive, effective and efficient, equitable and the rule of law. The Human Rights perspective focuses on good governance to fulfill people`s basic and needs like food health sanitation and education so that they can live with justice and dignity. The present book is a compilation papers presented and discussed at a seminar held under the auspice of Shri Brajkishore Memorial Institute, Bihar Vidyapith, Patna, recently. Most of the papers deal with the crisis of governance in the state of Bihar in the light of indicators listed above. Under the new government which came to power more than two years back, the state has turned a new leaf in its march for development and is striving to accelerate it with better governance strategies. ISBN : 9788183872102

Pages : 175
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