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  Disha Objective Mathematics for AIEEE

Disha Objective Mathematics For Aieee

by Er. Anoop Srivastava

  Price : Rs 525.00
  Your Price : Rs 446.25
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  After IIT, NIT (National Institute of Technology) is the second choice for every serious aspirant. And the rate at which NIT`s are progressing that day is not far off when NIT`s would be comparable to IIT`s. In such a situation you can`t afford to take your AIEEE (Entrance Exam for NIT`s and other premier Engineering Colleges) preparation lightly. Salient features of Disha`s AIEEE books are - Exhaustive theory explaining all fundamentals/concepts to build a strong base, Illustrations to master application of concepts & sharpen problem-solving skills and graded exercises to ensure sufficient practice. These exercises cover all variety of questions that can be asked from the topic; Previous year solved papers of AIEEE and challenging Mock Tests for AIEEE. Disha’s books contain theory, solved examples and graded exercises all written exclusively from the perspective of AIEEE. So for outstanding success in AIEEE always rely on Disha Books. Also include fully solved AIEEE - 2009 paper.

Pages : 1030
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