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  A Madras Miscellany - A decade of People, Places and Potpourri

A Madras Miscellany - A Decade Of People, Places And Potpourri

by S Muthiah

  Price : Rs 999.00
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  This book marks a decade of a column that appears every Monday in The Hindu`s Metro Plus, Madras edition. Madras Miscellany has, over that decade, created an awareness and a greater appreciation of the significant past of Madras and of the events and the people who over the years made Madras "the first city of modern India", a description of the City the writer of the column, S.Muthiah, never tires of reiterating. Over a 1500 or so items that appeared in the 514 columns published during Madras Miscellany`s first decade appear in the book in three sections:`People`, `Places` and `Potpourri`, the last named being everything else that doesn`t fit into the other two sections. And in them there develops a rather comprehensive story of Madras over its nearly 375 years of history.

In sum, this is a book for anyone interested in the development of Madras and its considerable contribution to modern India.

ISBN - 9789380032849

Pages : 1212
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