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  Tourism Management (Hardcover)

Tourism Management (Hardcover)

by Gian Chand , Manohar

  Price : Rs 725.00
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  It can, without even a shred of uncertainty, be asserted that tourism industry is flourishing, the world over. Providing employment to the jobless apart, this can have a decisive impact upon the development of the area, where the tourism industry peeps into. Going by the past experience, management and the coordination of various aspects of this industry are crucial and Herculean tasks. The concerned authority at the Government level should see through that all likely hurdles in the way of development of tourism are removed. Before hammering out the plans for developing an area, the pros and cons in it should be weighed rightly. The natural beauty of a tourist locality should be preserved to the maximum possible extent. Tourists bring to us the culture and lifestyle. Alien to us; and we make them familiar with our own cultural heritage and traditional way of life.

Hence, the proper management of tourism industry paves way for assimilation of cultural heritages and lifestyle among different nations and communities. No anti social or anti-universal-brotherhood element should be given an opportunity to strike the cord of discordance in the harmonious relationship among various people. Only a strong, strict, resolved and systematic management can bear dreams fruits.

There are umpteen numbers of books on tourism management. However, a bulk of them lacks many an aspect of modern Tourism Management. Many others are not well-Knitted and coordinated. Present book is free of all these deformities. In fact, this analyzed and researched study is impeccable in presentation and matter.

ISBN 8189645242

Pages : 350
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