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  Meet The Glorious Scientists - Marie Curie

Meet The Glorious Scientists - Marie Curie

by Malti Bansal

  Price : Rs 70.00
  Your Price : Rs 70.00
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  Madam Marie Curie is well known for her discovery of radium, which eventually opened the door to changes in the way scientists thought about matter and energy. Her contribution evidently started a new era in science. Apart from being a woman sceintist in an era and country where discrimination often pushed women aside, she stood firm on her ground and won two Nobel Prizes. She was not only a successful woman scientist, but also an inventor who gave the world the first mobile x-ray machine so that soldiers could be x-rayed in the field. Here is an enchanting story of Madam Curie`s life that unveils the facts not much known about her.isbn-9788189973469

Pages : 24
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