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  Hindu Law & Usage

Hindu Law & Usage

by Justice Ranganath Misra

  Price : Rs 1595.00
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  Mayne`s Treatise on Hindu Law & Usage has ever since its publication in 1878 been regarded as a classic on the subject. It has all throughout reigned supreme and is universally considered to be a last word on this branch of law. It is the most authentic source of knowledge on Hindu law. Besides analysing the entire subject under separate chapter heads, it contains an exhaustive, comprehensive and sectionwise commentary on the various Acts, such as, the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955; the Hindu Succession Act, 1956; the Hindu Adoptions & Maintenance Act, 1956; the Hindu Minority & Guardianship Act, 1956 and the Hindu Women`s Rights to Property Act, 1937.

The book fathoms, with a rare blend of clarity and perception of thought, the several interpretations, amendments and its ramifications. This book is a virtual storehouse of case-law and critical commentary. Besides, it analyses in a lucid manner the entire gamut of Hindu law under separate chapter-heads, such as, the nature and origin of Hindu law; the sources of Hindu law; the Constitution and Hindu law; Marriage; Sonship; Adoption; Minority; Guardianship; Joint family; Liability for debts; Alienations; Partition; Succession under Mitakshara and Dayabhaga laws; Exclusion from inheritance; Stridhana; Woman`s estate; Maintenance; Impartible estates; Gifts; Wills; Religious and charitable endowments; Benami transactions and several others. The statute law is as on 15th February, 2009 in the reprint. ISBN: 8177371436

Pages : 2000
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