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  Tourism And Adventure Travel In The Himalayas And South Asia In 6 Vols (Hardcover)

Tourism And Adventure Travel In The Himalayas And South Asia In 6 Vols (Hardcover)

by Jagmohan Negi

  Price : Rs 5400.00
  Your Price : Rs 5400.00
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  Adventure Trekking and traveling is the call from the Himalayan region. The entire region is full of varied and unique civilization with kaleidoscopic varieties and rich natural heritage. The nature has bestowed the whole region with plenty and unlimited natural treasures and wealth in the shape of location, natural scenery, rivers, valleys, waterfalls, climate, soil, hills and mountains, snow, sun, forest and flowers, flora and fauna, peaks and gorges, wildlife resources. Plants and trees, herbs and species.

This book contains six (Vol. I to Vol. VI) giving brief description about the different regions laying much emphasis on comfortable trekking routes. It incorporates important itinerary which are most popular and easily accessible. Lover of nature and adventure trekkers will find a wealth of information to satisfy their appetite for unknown and unexplored new area and explore hidden knowledge of the region.

The whole series is divided into VI volumes. Vol. I deal with the famous Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh, Leh and Zanksar. Vol. II deals with Himachal Himalays, Vol. III deals with Uttaranchal (Garhwal and Kumaon Himalayas). Vol. IV deals with Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan. Vol. V deals with Northeastern Himalayas such as Sikkim, Darjeeling, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Nagaland and Arunachal. Vol. VI deals with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka, Maldives. Maps and photographs to make it more interesting and informative support the material. The rich information contained in the publication is not only for the guidance of trekker and travelers but the students and research scholars could find the material very useful for their studies and research work.
ISBN 8189645331

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