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  Educational Philosophy (Hardcover)

Educational Philosophy (Hardcover)

by B. M. Lal

  Price : Rs 995.00
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  Basically, philosophy means ˜love of knowledge`. But, in general, by philosophy what is meant are the concepts, theories and views of different thinkers who opine on certain points of discussion. Hence, ˜educational philosophy` covers all those theories and concepts, which educationists have propounded at different occasions from different angles.

Broadly speaking, it encompasses the growth and development of education, different methods and techniques of teaching and learning, different mental states of a learner, learning abilities with varying capacities, human instincts and various processes of learning etc.

Of all these, the one which is of the greatest import is the contemplation on how to increase the mental power of learning and power of retention. For this purpose, different methodologies have been adopted and are still being used on experimental basis.

This modest work is intended at providing all the theories in the form of a compact, comprehensive and complete book on the subject.

Hopefully, it would meet most of the requirements of learners and scholars as ready reference.

ISBN 8189645161

Pages : 410
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