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  Energy, Environment and Development: A Technological Perspective

Energy, Environment And Development: A Technological Perspective

by B. Sudhakara Reddy, P. Balachandra

  Price : Rs 595.00
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  Energy, Environment And Development brings together a representative selection of Prof. Amulya K. N. Reddy`s seminal works over a period of nearly twenty-five years. These works advocate a carefully coordinated policy on Science and Technology leading to sustainable human development. The Eighteen articles, organized by themes, create in the first section, a premise for development of appropriate technologies by proclaiming a need for having a re-look at western influenced technologies resulting in negative impacts. The second section describes the efforts made to develop and deploy sustainable energy technologies which can be construed as a response to the felt needs of the society. The third section focuses on the evaluation of sustainable technologies thus establishing that they are not only economically as well as environmentally sound but also achieve the goal of sustainable development and maintain gender neutrality. The analysis Prof. Reddy and his co-authors presented at that time, and the remedies they proposed, are still valid. The relevance of these works, particularly from the technological perspective, becomes increasingly clear with each shock to the new economy.
ISBN 9788173197475

Pages : 355
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