This brand new and updated Troubleshooting Your PC, 2nd ed., presents a new way to diagnose and solve problems you`ve encountered with your computer hardware and software, even if you know anything beyond the basics of how your system works. What do you do when your hard disk crashes or all you see is black lines on your monitor or your CD-ROM writer is not responding. This book will show you how to identify your problem-with ease, simplicity, and speed-and target your solution-fast-so that you can get back to what you were doing, without sending your PC to stop or wasting time in futile trial and error method. The problems you are most likely to encounter are grouped into chapters; each chapter is broken down into two specific elements: the flowchart and the solution spreads. The flowchart guides you towards a diagnosis of your problem and gives a quick fix. And if your problem isn`t shown on the flowchart, you will be guided to the page number of the solution spread you need to go to for detailed troubleshooting through clear, step-by-step instructions accompanied by plenty of screenshots that show you what you should be seeing as you move through the steps. This is an ideal guide to be possessed by all users of PCs who can save money and precious time and stay productive by learning to fix-fast-what is wrong. FEATURES .isbn-9788120320239
Pages : 428