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  Psychology in India Volume 3: Clinical and Health Psychology

Psychology In India Volume 3: Clinical And Health Psychology

by Girishwar Misra

  Price : Rs 875.00
  Your Price : Rs 717.50
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  The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), the premier organization for research in the social sciences in India, conducts periodic surveys in the major disciplines of the social sciences to assess disciplinary developments and to identify gaps in research in these disciplines. As part of this unique endeavour, surveys in psychology have been undertaken since the 1960s. Psychology in India, the latest survey, is divided into four volumes and a total of twenty-four chapters, each volume highlighting a core area of the field”Basic Psychological Processes and Human Development; Social and Organizational Processes; Clinical and Health Psychology; and Theoretical and Methodological Developments. The volumes provide focused discussions on topical issues in each of these areas, as well as on emergent concerns. Written by leading subject experts in the country, every chapter in the volumes draws upon a theme of methodological and empirical significance to offer critical insights.

Volume 3, Clinical and Health Psychology, comprises six original essays and an introduction. It deals with the broad domain of disciplinary developments in the areas of clinical psychology and health psychology, with a conscious effort to address the concerns of two special groups”the differently abled and the aged. The chapters in this book bring into focus:

Developments in the field of clinical psychology, the application of its concepts in Indian daily life, and the analysis of professional concerns of clinical psychologists

Psychology of disabled people

Geropsychology in India and the significant trends in its development

Health psychology, the progress made in the field, and future challenges

The theory and practice of psychological interventions

Psychosocial interventions for the development of the community

This well-researched collection will be of great value to researchers, practitioners, and students of psychology, gerontology, psychiatry, and other behavioural sciences. isbn-9788131718162

Pages : 448
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