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  Effective Written Advocacy in Practice - Influencing the Judicial Mind, (First Indian Reprint)

Effective Written Advocacy In Practice - Influencing The Judicial Mind, (First Indian Reprint)

by Goodman Andrew

  Price : Rs 425.00
  Your Price : Rs 369.75
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  ``advocacy...today...transcends its traditional form of oral presentation in court and includes and finds critical expression in written forms in which expertise is called for of the advocate and which can have a decisive effect on the outcome of a case. In a word cases can be won and lost on skeleton arguments.``

Mr. Justice Lightman, 2004

The Importance of oral advocacy is not in dispute, but is on the wane. We still fondly believe that our great oral tradition is what sways the court. Not a bit of it. Increasingly judges form pre-trial opinions of the likely outcome, and these they derive from written material. The application, or trial or appeal then becomes a process to measure the judge`s pre-formed view, however strong that may be. Since the introduction of the Civil Procedure Rules access to justice is predicated on the assumption that as much as possible is settled before court hearings and decided through careful reading of skeleton arguments.

Written advocacy is an under-taught and insufficiently-valued skill.This book seeks to put that right - honing the reader`s skeleton arguments and teaching skills in drafting pre-action correspondence and Part 36 Offers to overwhelm and deflate your opponent before ever arriving at court.

Invaluable to the practising lawyer, this book will also be compelling reading for anyone with an interest in using the legal process - from litigant in person to the largest insurance company.

ISBN : 9788175347861

Pages : 319
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