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  A History of Modern Europe Since-1789

A History Of Modern Europe Since-1789

by V.D.Mahajan

  Price : Rs 510.00
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Contents: CONTENTS: 1. Europe on the eve of French Revolution | 2. Causes of the French Revolution | 3. Work of the National Assembly (1789 “91) | 4. The Legislative Assembly and National Convention | 5. The Girondists and the Jacobins | 6. Great Personalities of the Revolution | 7. The Directory (1795-99) | 8. The Coalitions | 9. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) | 10. The Vienna Settlement (1815) | 11. Castlereagh and Canning | 12. Concert of Europe (1815-22) | 13. Louis XVIII to Napoleon III | 14. Independence of Belgium | 15. Austria- Hungary from 1815 to 1918 | 16. Unification of Italy | 17. Unification of Germany | 18. Bismarck (1815-98) | 19. Germany from 1890 to 1914 | 20. France from 1870 to 1914 | 21. Italy from 1870 to 1915 | 22. Russia from 1796 to 1917 | 23. Modern Socialism | 24. The Eastern Question | 25. Scramble for Africa | 26. Foreign Policy of Japan | 27. American Foreign Policy | 28. British Foreign Policy | 29. International Relations (1871-1914) | 30. The World War I (1914-18) | 31. The League of Nations | 32. Germany between the Wars | 33. France between the Wars | 34. Great Britain between the Wars | 35. Italy between the Wars | 36. Russia between the Wars | 37. Modern Turkey | 38. Spain | 39. International Relations between two Wars | 40. The World War II and Peace Settlement | 41. The United Nations | 42. Europe Since 1945 | 43. The communist Regime in Russia (1917-1939) | 44. The Industrial Revolution | 45. Europe in 1815 | 46. The Romantic Movement | 47. Spain During the Nineteenth Century | 48. Europe and the World | 49. The Policy of Appeasement (1. The Cold War, 2. Germany After World War II, 3. German Revolution and the Weimar Republic 1918-1933) ISBN 8121903386

Pages : 656
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