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  Why Women Want What They Can`t Have

Why Women Want What They Can`T Have

by Peter Andrew Sacco

  Price : Rs 190.00
  Your Price : Rs 190.00
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  One of the greatest negative side-effects of gender differences is the high prevalence of divorce and separation rates among couples which haunts our society. These varied differences precipitate, antagonize and facilitate problems in relationships. If we could only understand them better and turn them around into positives, we could perhaps facilitate longer-term, healthier relationships.

This book explains the concept and dynamics of relationships. Providing insights into why gender differences exist, it delves into the heart of the problem-societal expectations and tainted gender socialization-leading to the failure of the relationships. Also, it examines why women continue to be superior in their androgynous qualities and why men are struggling to keep pace.

Pages : 145
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