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  Nuclear Physics 2nd Edition

Nuclear Physics 2Nd Edition

by V. Devanathan

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 750.00
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  Nuclear Physics, designed as a textbook for graduate students deals with the size, shape and properties of nuclei, the electric and magnetic moments, the strong nuclear force that binds nucleons, the nuclear structure, various nuclear models – the shell model, Nilsson’s model, the collective model and unified model – radioactive decays such as the alpha, beta and gamma decays, nuclear and heavy ion reactions and synthesis of transuranic elements. The Strutinsky shell correction, the effect of parity violation in weak interaction, elementary particle interactions with nuclei and the quark structure of the nucleon are also briefly discussed.

NEW TO THE SECOND EDITION: Two Appendices G and H, one on the Evaluation of Matrix Elements and the other on the Evaluation of Transition Probability. The study of static properties of nuclei such as electric quadrupole moment, magnetic dipole moment and the calculation of energy levels involve the evaluation of matrix elements whereas the study of dynamical properties such as the nuclear transition from one state to another by interaction with an external field involves the calculation of transition probability. These appendices will help the students make a quantitative study of both the static and dynamical properties of nuclei.ISBN-9788184871043

Pages : 422
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