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  Every Right for Every Child: Governance and Accountability

Every Right For Every Child: Governance And Accountability

by Enakshi Ganguly Thukral

  Price : Rs 895.00
  Your Price : Rs 760.75
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  "Children are rarely considered political entities or citizens in their own right. They are viewed invariably as extensions of adults or simply as members of families and communities. In order to arrive at an understanding of what ‘good governance for children’ means and how the realisation of their civil, political, cultural and social rights may be achieved, this volume analyses initiatives from across the world to make governance systems more accountable and responsive to children’s rights and entitlements.

This path-breaking book brings children centre stage. It examines the policy framework of different countries and asks some hard-hitting questions: what is good governance in the context of children; how can state performance in realising child rights be monitored; how can states be held accountable; and, most importantly, how can children be part of decisions that concern them."

ISBN - 9780415678377

Pages : 308
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