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   	 Google Hacks, 2nd Edition Tips & Tools for Smarter Searching

Google Hacks, 2Nd Edition Tips & Tools For Smarter Searching

by Tara Calishain, Rael Dornfest

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  Whether you`re a high school student looking for the latest info on your favorite rock group, or a seasoned attorney researching an old case, you`re probably using Google. It seems like everyone is. And who can blame them? With access to more than three million documents in over 30 languages, Google is a researcher`s dream. It`s no wonder, then, that nearly 150 million Google searches are conducted each day. As a result, people are hungry to learn new ways to maximize its usefulness.

Truth is, there are dozens upon dozens of techniques to learn--each designed to make your Google search more time-efficient, more productive, and more fun. And Google Hacks, Second Edition has the inside scoop on them all.

An absolute must-have guide for anyone who searches the Internet--and these days that`s just about everybody--Google Hacks, Second Edition takes its best-selling predecessor one step further. In plain language, Google Hacks, Second Edition is an updated collection of industrial-strength, real-world tested solutions to practical research problems.

Best of all, each of its 100 hacks are easy to read and digest--no confusing terminology or extraneous information to hamper your understanding. And although they can be read in just a few short minutes, when put to use, they can easily save you hours of research time. Now that`s bang for your buck! ISBN 9788173669491

Pages : 496
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