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  An Inspirational Journey - Pratibha Devisingh Patil

An Inspirational Journey - Pratibha Devisingh Patil

by Chhaya Mahajan, Rasika Chaube

  Price : Rs 640.00
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  Description: The book, An Inspirational Journey : Pratibha Devisingh Patil “ The First Woman President of India “ is an attempt to understand the life and works of the First Citizen of India prior to her occupying the coveted position. In the late fifties and early sixties when the discouraging forces against women were predominant, Pratibhatai excelled in academics. It was her will power, conviction and purity of purpose which propelled her into politics and finally elected to be the First Woman President of India, only sky is the limit. Pratibhatai`s life is a story, her journey in life has been so eventful, her achievements are so large and varied. She has had a political career which kept moving upwards, gradually and steadily, till she finally reached the pinnacle. She humbly attributes her success to the Almighty and to the People of India. The book is a progressive effort to illustrate her political participation as well as her attachment towards the family and emerged her a winner on both the fronts effectively. Simply her achievements are so large and varied that they need to be narrated “ ˜Those who do not speak about themselves need to be spoken about.`
Contents: Part 1 >>> The Journey Begins | The Legacy | Childhood Memories | Early Schooling and Friends | Growing Up - Those Who Made a Difference | Meeting Yashwantrao Chavan | The First Election: 1962 | Member of the Legislative Assembly and a Lawyer | Marriage | At the In-laws` House | The Second Election : 1967 | Devisingh -Partner Through Thick and Thin | Rajendra and Jyoti | A Congress Worker : Equation with its Leader - Indira Gandhi | Vidhan Sabha - The Fertile Ground that Shaped Tai | Leader of the Opposition | Tryst with Rajya Sabha | Tai - The Member of Parliament | Flight to Governorship | And then - The President of India | The Human Touch | "Quote Unquote" | Part 2 >>> Vidhan Sabha Tenure | Rajya Sabha Tenure | Lok Sabha Tenure | Governor`s Tenure | ISBN

Pages : 356
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