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  Shiva-Shakti in Indian Mythology

Shiva-Shakti In Indian Mythology

by Mandira Ghosh

  Price : Rs 1495.00
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  Lord Shiva and Shakti are revered by all Indians and I am no exception. I was keener on writing on Divine Energy as looking at the condition of women around I wanted to explain that according to the scriptures, Shakti was the Supreme Power. Every individual is masculine and feminine. Root cause of the degradation of woman in our society was that women were considered prakriti, or inert matter and purush as consciousness. In ardhanarishvar form, masculine and feminine principles exist in Shiva`s body, in His Sadashiva form once again He is a combination of masculine and feminine attributes, and the image of Shiva-Shakti as conjoined of opposite poles results in One. Surprisingly in a country where a goddess is so admired, people are killing the female fetus. Isn`t it a strange phenomenon for a region and religion, which discovered Divine Energy in the female form? Sad to watch female infanticide, dowry deaths, ill treatment of women. Strange and tragic for a country where women were regarded as Goddess Shakti before she emerges on the earth dies in her mother`s womb. This can never be a mother`s decision but the decision of the entire society where girls are still considered as burdens and are unwelcome. Hope my book will change the mindset of those compatriots to whom women are still considered as burdens. In Hinduism, men and women are not at war. The underlying philosophy of Hinduism states that both male and female as masculine and feminine energy are needed to sustain creation. The imbalance in their relationship disturbs the macrocosmic equilibrium. Their collective effort is needed to realise what Swami Vivekananda penned years ago, The bird of the spirit of humanity cannot fly with one wing.
ISBN 8182900894

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