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  Introduction To Nuclear And Particle Physics

Introduction To Nuclear And Particle Physics

by V. K. Mittal , R. C. Verma

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  This well-written text provides a comprehensive introduction to this increasingly important area of nuclear and particle physics. It combines coverage of basic concepts, principles and applications, along with the latest developments.

The text begins with the historical developments of the subject, properties and constituents of the nucleus, quantitative facts about nucleus, etc. Then it moves on to give insights into nuclear models, phenomenon of radioactivity and its applications in various fields, nuclear reactions including reactions in sun and stars, photoelectric and compton effects, pair production, particle accelerators and types of radiation detectors. The text also presents an extensive discussion on elementary particles and their fundamental reactions, fundamental forces, conservation laws and the quark model. Finally, the text concludes with an up-to-date account of cosmic rays.isbn-9788120336100

Pages : 384
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