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  Donor Egg IVF

Donor Egg Ivf

by Allahabadia

  Price : Rs 14995.00
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  SECTION ONE: HISTORICAL ASPECTS - Gametes and Embryo Donation: An Evolving Medical Contribution to Human Procreation SECTION TWO: INDICATIONS - Can we Define the Indications for Oocyte Donation? - Is Donor Egg IVF a Rational Treatment for Genetic Disorders? - Reversing the Natural Decline in Human Fertility with Oocyte Donation to Women of Advanced Reproductive Age SECTION THREE: FACTORS DEFINING SUCCESS - Do Recipient Age and Infertility Diagnosis Affect Pregnancy and Implantation Rates in a Donor Egg IVF Program? - Importance of Transfer and Uterine Factors in a Donor Egg IVF Program - Do Hydrosalpinges Adversely Affect Implantation in Donor Oocyte Cycles? Factors that Determine Discordant Outcomes from Shared Oocytes - Endometriosis and Oocyte Donation - The Best Donor - Clinical Factors Interfering with Endometrial Receptivity SECTION FOUR: OOCYTE SHARING PROGRAMS - The Shared Donor Oocyte Program: Advantages and Insights(Egg Recipients Sharing Oocytes from Single Donor) - Egg Recipients Sharing Oocytes from Patients Undergoing IVF - Does Egg Sharing Compromise the Chances of Donors or Recipients Achieving a Livebirth? SECTION FIVE: FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS - Social and Financial Aspects of Egg-sharing versus Professional Egg Donation in a Donor Egg IVF Program - Eggs for Sale: How Much is Too Much? - Subsidized IVF SECTION SIX: DONOR SCREENING - Oocyte Donor Screening: The Selection Process and Cost Analysis - Genetic Screening of Prospective Oocyte Donors - Should Donor Egg IVF Programs Accept PCOS Women as Donors?SECTION SEVEN: POTENTIAL DONORS - Family Members as Gamete Donors and Surrogates - Sisters of Women with Premature Ovarian Failure may not be Ideal Ovum Donors - Should Nonpatient Volunteers Donate Eggs? SECTION EIGHT: ASSESSING ENDOMETRIAL RECEPTIVITY - Color and Power Doppler for Assessing Endometrial Receptivity - Endometrial TB-PCR: Transcription-mediated Amplification or Histopathology for Endometrial Evaluation in Donor Egg IVF? SECTION NINE: ENDOMETRIAL PREPARATION - Long Estradiol Replacement in an Oocyte Donation Program - Vaginal Progesterone Gel Preparation in a Donor Oocyte Program SECTION TEN: STIMULATION PROTOCOLS FOR OOCYTE DONORS - Role of GnRH Analog Depot Preparations in Donor Egg IVF - Long Protocol is the Gold Standard for Ovarian Stimulation in Egg Donors - Timing of Placental Competence in Ovum Donation SECTION ELEVEN: ULTRASOUND - Role of TVS in Assessing Endometrial and Ovarian Morphology in a Donor Egg IVF Program. Imaging Aspects: A Perspective - Upper Genital Tract Screening with Hysterosonography in Patients Receiving Donated Oocytes SECTION TWELVE: SURROGACY - Surrogacy: Ethical, Psychological and Legal Implications - SECTION THIRTEEN: ENDOSCOPY - Role of Hysteroscopy in a Donor Egg IVF Program SECTION FOURTEEN: COUNSELING - Counseling Recipients in a Donor Egg IVF Program - Potential Psychological Attachments Formed by Egg Donors Involved in Fertility Technology SECTION FIFTEEN: ETHICS AND RELIGION - Ethical and Religious Considerations in Third Party Reproduction SECTION SIXTEEN: OBSTETRICS AND PERINATAL OUTCOMES - Factors Influencing the Obstetric and Perinatal Outcomes after Oocyte Donation - Pregnancy Results and Obstetric Outcomes in Patients 45 years and Older SECTION SEVENTEEN: LONG-TERM FOLLOW-UP - Health and Development of Donor Egg IVF Children Compared to IVF Children SECTION EIGHTEEN: LEGISLATION AND GUIDELINES - Donor Egg IVF: Its Regulation in India - Egg-sharing and Policy Making - Oocyte Donation: The Legislative Framework in Western Europe SECTION NINETEEN: WHATS NEW? - Oocyte Donation to Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1 Serodiscordant Couples - Cross Border or Reproductive Tourism with Special Emphasis on Donor Oocytes SECTION TWENTY: EPILOGUE - The Internet and Donor Egg IVF - Egg Donor: Once Upon a TimeWhat Will You Tell Them? - Risks of Oocyte Donation ISBN 9788184480931

Pages : 490
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