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  Human Rights and The Law

Human Rights And The Law

by Neera Bharihoke

  Price : Rs 950.00
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  Mention of human nights brings to a person`s manifestation its many facets, their meaning, concepts, contents etc. the related issues and notions also bring to spotlight the beneficiaries of human rights, protection of their rights, their rehabilitation etc. Refugees, migrants, disabled people, displaced people, domestic workers the classes or groups who are more susceptible to human violation. Their vulnerability is attributable to landlessness, poverty, lack of employment opportunities, ruthlessness of society towards them etc. Their problems and grievances can be addressed and vindicated by strengthening of legal, social as well as economic infrastructure and build the same wherever these are lacking. Regardless of the stage of a country`s economic development, significance of human rights cannot be undermined. P. Muthaiyan and K. Selvanathan in their paper titled ˜Relevance of Human Rights in 21st Century` have highlighted how the contents and contexts human rights have undergone metamorphosis in the new era of globalization and liberalization and have concluded by providing as to how the aspirations of such human rights content can be achieved by human rights education as well as introducing of courses of human rights in India. ISBN : 9788183872300

Pages : 316
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