D.R. Gadgil (1901“1971) was an eminent economist and intellectual pioneer of planning in India. This volume brings together his seminal contributions in the areas of economic planning and development. Grounded in the specific characteristics of Indian social reality, it provides a critical assessment of the Indian development experience in a historical perspective.
Using a multi-disciplinary approach, this selection of writings and speeches engages with a wide range of issues: # rationale of planning, approaches to planning, and different aspects of regional level planning; # industrial development, agricultural development, price policy, income policy, and the role of co-operatives in social transformation; and # social and economic challenges in relation to change and development in new states.
The basic principles enunciated by Gadgil” planning with a regulatory frame, active role of government in promoting co-operative institutions, food self-sufficiency, and employment orientation of planning”are significant even today in the context of ˜inclusive growth`.
An introduction to Gadgil`s social philosophy and economic praxis, a biographical note, and reflections by eminent thinkers on the relevance of Gadgil`s work complete the volume. ISBN-9780198069454