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  Cornerstone 5

Cornerstone 5

by Andre Le Fevre

  Price : Rs 122.00
  Your Price : Rs 100.04
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  A solid foundation ensures a well-constructed building, and careful scaffolding enables perfection during construction. If we apply this analogy to language learning, we see that grammar, with its set of rules and structures, forms that indispensible cornerstone of language learning, and thoughtfully worded examples and explanations provide that perfect scaffolding to young learners to develop their language to perfection.

Cornerstone: Grammar and Composition Skills for 1“8 is one such series that makes the task of acquiring the basics of grammar an engaging process for young learners. To make the learning of grammar an enjoyable process

* concepts are introduced through comic strips, stories and poems.

* grammar rules are presented lucidly and informally.

* information is provided in tabular format for easy assimilation.

* fun activities are introduced to help reinforce the grammar concept taught.

The application of grammar in day-to-day contexts is facilitated through elements such as:

_ vocabulary pages that strengthen language

_ conversation practice that builds communications skills

_ composition tasks that improve writing skills

_ comprehension passages that test literal and evaluative understanding

Pages : 152
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