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  Medical Emergency in the Dental Office 6th Ed.

Medical Emergency In The Dental Office 6Th Ed.

by Stanley F. Malamed

  Price : Rs 1395.00
  Your Price : Rs 1185.75
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  This full-color text prepares dental professionals to promptly and proactively recognize and manage medical emergencies that may occur in the dental office. It details how to anticipate potential emergencies and what resources must be on hand to deal effectively with these situations. The book is arranged in eight sections concentrating on topics such as prevention of emergencies through patient evaluation (medical history) and specific types of more common emergencies that practitioners may encounter.

* Algorithms located in the appendices provide step-by-step diagrams showing the decision-making process in each of several common emergency situations.
* PABCD boxes throughout text remind the reader of American Heart Association guidelines on Positioning, Airway, Breathing, Circulation, and Definitive management and explain the relevance of these guidelines to the topic being discussed.
* Chapters are organized into sections based upon types of common emergency situations.
* Chapter on Preparation includes an updated emergency drug and equipment kit to reflect materials that are safe and currently available on the market.
* Full-color drawings and updated photographs add realism to situations and equipment.
* Information on AEDs (Automated Electronic Defibrillators) explains why these should be mandatory in every dental practice and describes how to use these devices properly.
* A Pediatric Considerations chapter covers pediatric CPR and guidelines for basic life support.
* A Medicolegal Considerations chapter discusses topics such as theories of liability, definitions of emergencies and standards, and limitations and requirements of the doctor-patient relationship.

ISBN - 9788131204733

Pages : 568
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