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  Structure Of Atoms And Molecules

Structure Of Atoms And Molecules

by Sarup Book Publishers

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  Considering the problem in its totality, an effort has been made to cover the diverse aspects of the subject. All the articles are judiciously selected from authori-tative sources. This joint venture has been taken as an academic exercise to provide an overall view an issues and problems related to child labour at macro, meso and micro leel, including the valuable contributions from social scientists, planners and administrators to present a more comprehensive view on the subject. Students, teachers, researchers, administrators, policy planenrs and professionals from different streams of disciplines would find this book informative and useful.
About Author :
C.K. Shukla is an Organising Secretary of the IISD, Lucknow. He has done his Graduate and Post Graduate degrees from University of Lucknow. His present area of interests are rural development, education and Child Development. He has to his credit various articles published in different magazines of repute. He is a regular contributor in various newspapers. S. Ali is an executive member of IISD. She has done her Postgraduate from Kanpur University. Presently she is co-ordinating various activities in the Research and Development Division of IISD. Her main interst areas are women and child development issues, education and nutrition.
Contents :
Child Labour: An Overview The Meaning and Concequences of Child Labour Child Labour: Magnitude of the Problem National Policy on Child Labour The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 Ending Child Labour: The Next Steps The Labour Welfare Legislation Law and Child Labour Child Labour Welfare Under Indian Constitution Child Labour Legislation Towards the Abolition of Child Labour ILO Policy and Its Implications Legal Protection Extended to Child Workers Under the Other Labour Legislations in India Child Labour: The ILO Perspective Child Labour, Its Nature & Extent of Exploitations Magnitude of Child Labour in India Child Labour: Its Cause and Effects Child Labour & Fertility Economic Roles of Children in India: Methodological Issues Child Labour: Issues and Perspectives Millions of Children at Risk from Hazardous Labour Working Conditions and Environment of Child Labour Child Labour Role of Voluntary Agencies and Trade Unions

Pages : 300
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