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  ENERGY SCIENCE Principles, technologies, and impacts

Energy Science Principles, Technologies, And Impacts

by John Andrew, Nick Jelley

  Price : Rs 410.00
  Your Price : Rs 369.00
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  Energy Science: Principles, Technologies, and Impacts integrates the science behind the key energy sources that are at our disposal today with the socioeconomic issues which surround their use to give a balanced, objective overview of the range of energy sources available to us today.

Covering both traditional and renewable energy sources, the book encourages the reader to evaluate different energy sources on the basis of sound quantitative understanding. It also explores the fundamentals of energy generation, storage and transmission, to build a complete picture of energy supply, from wind turbine, nuclear reactor, or hydroelectric dam, to our homes.

Different energy sources have different social and economic impacts; the book uses examples and case studies throughout to help the reader critically assess the information to hand and reach a well-rounded, informed view of the relative merits and drawbacks of the energy sources available.

Problems with current and future energy use and supply extend globally; Energy Science: Principles, Technologies, and Impacts introduces the potential solutions that science can offer, within a framework that encourages the critical assessment of the pros and cons of each.

Pages : 344
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