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  Fundamentals of Graphics Communication, 6/e

Fundamentals Of Graphics Communication, 6/E

by Gary Bertoline

  Price : Rs 3199.18
  Your Price : Rs 2719.30
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  A thoroughly contemporary approach to teaching essential engineering graphics skills has made Fundamentals of Graphics Communication the leading textbook in introductory engineering graphics courses. The sixth edition continues to integrate design concepts and the use of CAD into its outstanding coverage of the basic visualization and sketching techniques that enable students to create and communicate graphic ideas effectively.

As in past editions, the authors have included many examples of how graphics communication pertains to "real-world" engineering design, including current industry practices and breakthroughs. A website provides additional resources such as an image library, animations, and quizzes. Gary Bertoline is the Associate Vice President for Visualization Computing. He formerly was Department Head and a Professor in the Department of Computer Graphics Technology. He is the co-founder of the Digital Enterprise Center in the School of Technology, and, in the 6 years he served as Department Head, he more than doubled enrollment, funded projects, and donations to the department. Prior to becoming department head he was on the faculty in Computer Graphics Technology for 4 years. Prior to joining the faculty at Purdue, Gary served three years as a faculty member in the College of Engineering and Department of Engineering Graphics at The Ohio State University.

1996 Ph.D., Ergonomics, Dept. of Psychology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Dissertation title: Recognition of Local Metric Changes in 3-D Computer Models. 1987 MA, Industrial Design, North Carolina State University, School of Design, Raleigh, NC. Thesis title: The Development of Human-Computer Interface Criteria for the Designer. 1982 BA, Chemistry, Duke University, Durham, NC.

Nathan Hartman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Graphics at Purdue University where he currently teaches undergraduate courses in 3D modeling, graphics standards, and product data management. He has also taught graduate courses covering advanced computer graphics technology topics, research methods, and measurement and evaluation. Nathan is Co-Director of the Purdue University Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) Center of Excellence in the Center for Advanced Manufacturing in Purdue`s Discovery Park. His research areas include the use of constraint-based CAD tools within the product lifecycle, the development of strategic knowledge in the use of 3D computer graphics tools, 3D data interoperability and exchange, and the use of virtual reality in PLM environments. Professor Hartman holds a Bachelor of Science in Technical Graphics and a Master of Science in Technology from Purdue University, and a Doctor of Education in Technology Education from North Carolina State University
ISBN 9780071221795

Pages : 800
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