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  Freedom Struggle In Uttar Pradesh 6 Volumes

Freedom Struggle In Uttar Pradesh 6 Volumes

by S.A.A. Rizvi, M.L. Bhargava

  Price : Rs 9995.00
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  Uttar Pradesh (UP) was the centre of great socio-political unrest during the tumultuous years 1857–9. Much of the story of this struggle lay undiscovered in files, bastas, official reports and original consultations, trial proceedings, newspapers, periodicals, diaries and memoirs of officers, and contemporary works—both in English and the vernacular. The six-volume Freedom Struggle in Uttar Pradesh brings together these hitherto unexplored sources to provide a detailed and authoritative account of the events of those turbulent years.

The first volume in this series delves into the nature and origins of this struggle. It traces behind-the-scene activities leading to the uprising and identifies key players involved. The second volume, and perhaps the most exciting, on Awadh, covers the outbreak of the struggle, its development into a protracted war and its subsequent transformation into a series of guerrilla skirmishes. The third volume, with its focus on Bundelkhand and adjoining areas, focuses on figures like Maharani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi, Tatya Tope, Firoz Shah, Rao Saheb, and Martan Rao Tatya.

The events unfolding in the eastern districts of UP form the core of the fourth volume, while the fifth focuses on the western districts, particularly the areas of Rohilkhand, Meerut, and Agra. The final volume provides a comprehensive chronological index of the names and places that will facilitate scholars and researchers as they navigate the sweep of people and events covered in these volumes.

ISBN - 9780198069713

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