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  Stress, Suicides and Fratricides in the Army -Crisis Within

Stress, Suicides And Fratricides In The Army -Crisis Within

by Maj Gen Samay Ram (Retd)

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 585.00
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  The book is based on the study carried out by the author and begins with the reality that the officers and men of today are not the same as their predecessors in many ways. They have been adversely impacted by the society from which they come and the exposure to TV/other Media. Their levels of aspirations are high and they feel that they have been left behind in the race of life than their counterparts in the civil society.

The second issue that has been examined is the phenomenon of suicides, which is very complex and its causes are hard to find. The third major issue that is addressed is that of fratricides. Besides these three major maladies, the author has also examined other related issues like Alcoholism, Neurosis, Leadership, Motivation and Morale, Rashtriya Rifles, the tenures in LIC and women in the Army.

Pages : 248
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